Schlagwort-Archive: Science

Experiences with a Compliance-Assuring Framework for Decentralized Process Management in a Large Agile Organization

Abstract The tayloristic approach of applying centralized processes falls short in volatile and agile environments. In hastily diverting and changing environments, it’s foremost biggest asset – the unified optimization – turns into an unbearable burden. This paper illustrates a more … Weiterlesen

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Jason: A Scalable Reputation System for the Semantic Web

Abstract The recent development of the Internet, especially the expanding use of social software and dynamic content generation commonly termed as Web 2.0 enables users to find information about almost every possible topic on the Web. On the downside, it … Weiterlesen

Veröffentlicht unter Springer | Verschlagwortet mit | Kommentare deaktiviert für Jason: A Scalable Reputation System for the Semantic Web