Jason: A Scalable Reputation System for the Semantic Web


The recent development of the Internet, especially the expanding use of social software and dynamic content generation commonly termed as Web 2.0 enables users to find information about almost every possible topic on the Web. On the downside, it becomes more and more difficult to decide which information can be trusted in. In this paper we propose the enhancement of Web 2.0 by a scalable and secure cross-platform reputation system that takes into account a user’s social network. Our proposed solution Jason is based on standard methods of the semantic web and does not need a central entity. It enables the fast and flexible evaluation of arbitrary content on the World Wide Web. In contrast to many other reputation systems it provides mechanisms to ensure the authenticity of web content, thus, enabling the user to explicitely choose information published by trusted authors.

In: Emerging Challenges for Security, Privacy and Trust, 24th International Information Security Conference, 2009, Pafos, Cyprus, May 18-20, 2009. Proceedings Full article @ Springer

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